Hoverfly Cloud CLI commands
This page contains the output of
hcc --help
Command line interface for Hoverfly Cloud
hcc [command]
Available Commands:
capture Commands for interacting with local capture proxy
config Get/set CLI config properties
help Help about any command
reverse-proxy Commands for interacting with local reverse proxy proxying to Hoverfly Cloud
scenario Commands for interacting with Hoverfly Cloud Scenarios
service Commands for interacting with Hoverfly Cloud Services
simulation Commands for interacting with Hoverfly Cloud Simulations
version Get the version of Hoverfly Cloud CLI
--api-token string API token from Hoverfly Cloud
--domain string Domain name of Hoverfly Cloud
-h, --help help for hcc
--insecure Allow reverse proxy to private Hoverfly Cloud deployment without certs
Use "hcc [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Last updated