Looping over arrays

The ability to loop over arrays of data can be very useful in constructing a response. Some of the arrays typically in a response are:

  • the elements of path

  • the headers in the request

  • an array of query parameters if there are more than one with the same name

  • a JSON array extracted from the body of a request

The following block is used to loop over an array:

  • {{#each}} {{else}} {{/each}}

You can use the @index, @key and this keywords to determine the index, key and value of the object under the iterator. You can use @last keyword to determine if the current object is the last one in the array.

Example 1:

{{#each Request.Header}}
	{{@index}} : {{@key}} : {{this}}
	No Request Headers were provided

Example 2:

Using looping and conditional logic you can build our a JSON (or XML) response:

Given the following request body

    "people": [
            "name": "John",
            "surname": "Doe",
            "age": 30
            "name": "Jane",
            "surname": "Lee",
            "age": 29

And creating the following simulation body template

{ "ages":
        {{#each (Request.Body 'JSONpath' '$.people') }}
        {{#unless @last}},{{/unless}}

The result generated from the template and sent back in the body would be this:

    "ages": [

Follow a tutorial here to learn more about looping

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