Using data sources in simulations
Hoverfly Cloud supports CSV data sources for Enterprise customers to do key value data lookups and simulate persistence within simulations.
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Hoverfly Cloud supports CSV data sources for Enterprise customers to do key value data lookups and simulate persistence within simulations.
Last updated
You can upload a csv file when editing your simulation from the Simulation tab.
You can both query data from a CSV data source as well as manipulate data within a data source by adding to it and deleting from it. Hoverfly supports a number of templating methods for simple read, update and delete functions. In addition Hoverfly supports a templating function that allows simple SQL like commands for SELECT, UPDATE and DELETE.
Note that you cannot edit the data sources on a simulation already running on a service. You need to add and remove data sources from the master copy of the simulation, and then start a service running a copy of that simulation.
To use the data in the csv file, you need to use the {{ csv }} templating function.
So for example given a data source named "products" with the following csv structure:
You can use the following syntax to render the word "shirt" in a response template (note the use of single quotes):
Or if for example the productId was provided at position 1 on the path:
Or if you needed to loop over some JSON array of productIds from the request body and render back data doing lookups for each productId:
There are a number of functions to allow querying, updating, deleting and inserting data into the csv data sources. You can read more about them below:
Deleting data from csv data sources