Guidance on using the SQL like syntax
(Enterprise customers only) Hoverfly a SQL like syntax for querying, updating and deleting from in memory csv data sources.
Supported SQL syntax
You can use a simplified SQL like syntax to select, update and delete rows.
SQL Commands
INSERT is not supported. To add data you must use the csvAddRow template function.
SELECT [column-names] FROM [data-source-name] WHERE [conditions] (* can be used to indicate all colmuns)
UPDATE [data-source-name] SET [[column-name] = ‘[value]’,] WHERE [conditions]
DELETE FROM [data-source-name] WHERE [conditions]
Only simple conditions are supported.
You can chain conditions using AND. OR is not supported.
The following comparison operators are supported in conditions:
= equals
> greater than
< less than
>= greater than or equal to
<= less than or equal to
!= not equal to
Other considerations
Capitalization of SQL keywords is required.
Spaces between components of the SQL statement are required.
Every value provided to a condition whether a number or a string must be enclosed in quotes.
Data source names must not be in quotes.
Joins across different data sources are not supported..
For illustration we will use this data source called "pets":
Last updated